The Single Quick Mag is a versatile multi-purpose magazine pouch which holds a variety of 5.56mm magazines including P-Mags. The Warrior Assault Systems Quick Mag Pouch can also hold 7.62mm x 39mm AK mags M14 FAL etc.
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The Single Quick Mag is a versatile multi-purpose magazine pouch which holds a variety of 5.56mm magazines including P-Mags. The Warrior Assault Systems Quick Mag Pouch can also hold 7.62mm x 39mm AK mags M14 FAL etc.
Size adjustment is by way of laced elastic shock cord which is threaded through the side of the pouch. Comes with optional bungee retention tabs as seen on the Warrior Assault Systems Open Mag Pouches for operators requiring additional security of their magazines.
500D Nylon fabric feature enhanced tear and abrasion resistance, and long lasting durability, 500D Nylon fabric made with solution dyed yarns are inherently stain resistant and easy to clean.
This product uses MOLLE to connect to other items creating a modular and adaptive system.
Thread quality is fundamental to the construction, durability and strength of the equipment.
Two factors have a negative impact on the life Span of threads
1) Mildew is one of the most common factors in the deterioration fabric, causing it to rot and ultimately results in unacceptable failure.
2) Sunlight has a harmful effect on the performance of threads, and over time causes their deterioration.
Warrior only uses the highest quality nylon threads imported from the USA which are treated against both UV and Mildew.
Fiber Resistance to Acid - Good
Fiber Resistance to Alkali - Good
Fiber Abrasion Resistance - Excellent
Fiber Resistance to Heat - 142 deg C (Highest continuous temperature before breakdown)
Universal - tested with AK magazines for 30 rounds 7.62x39 and handles these well. The hopper is held well, the force of the pressure can be adjusted. At the same time, removal is hassle-free. Inserting the tray is more complicated and requires a bit of practice. He holds the binding tight as if nailed.
Universal size Adjustable pressure Holds on the binding without the possibility of any movement.
More complicated tray loading
Review from customer from Czech republic
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Univerzální - zkoušeno se zásobníky AK na 30 ran 7,62x39 a i tyto zvládá dobře.
Zásobník je držený dobře, sílu přítlaku lze seřídit. Zároveň vyjmutí je bezproblémové. Vkládání zásobníku je komplikovanější a chce to trochu cviku.
Na vazbě drží pevně jako přibitý.
Univerzální velikost
Seřiditelný přítlak
Na vazbě drží bez možnosti jakéhokoliv pohybu.
Komplikovanější vkládání zásobníku
Rated option: Magazine Pouch Single Quick Mag, Multicam, Warrior
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Warriors Triple Open Mag pouch holds 3 x 5.56mm mags in a compact panel configuration. The Triple Open Mag uses the MOLLE system to attach to any compatible…