If a green circle is displayed on a variant, it means that in some combination of other variants, the selected variant is in stock. For example, a green circle on the "Color: black" variant means that a product in black is in stock at a size. Gradual selection of variants clarifies information on stock availability. You can start by selecting any variant.
Designed to have a more comfortable performance fit while holding standard plates, an emergency drag handle, quick cinch adjustments for the front and hook and loop adjustments on the shoulders, the Condor Sentry is perfect for rapid response situations.
Emergency drag handle
Removable anti-slip padded shoulder pads with hook and loop guides
- speed of putting on and taking off the carrier - weight (plus packing salaries) - price (probably the smallest in the Czech Republic, I do not count on discounts) - all-day wear at work - meets the requirements I need - ready for quick use
- the molle binding is quite small - it depends on the user how many accessories he wants to have attached to the carrier (sufficient for me), if someone solves that he wants to have a lot of things (a lot of bags) this carrier is not suitable for him
Review from customer from Czech republic
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- rychlost nasazení a sundání nosiče
- hmotnost ( plus bal. platy)
- cena (asi nejmenší v ČR nepočítám se slevami)
- celodenní nošení v zaměstnání
- splňuje požadavky, které jsem potřebovat
- připraven na rychlé použití
- vazba molle je docela malá - zaleží na uživateli kolik příslušenství chce mít připevněného na nosiči ( pro mě dostačující ), pokud někdo řeší, že chce mít hodně věcí ( hodně sumek ) není tento nosič pro něho vhodný
Rated option: Plate Carrier Sentry Lightweight, Condor, Black
Lubomír S.
Lightweight plate carrier, not only for airsoft. The plates from StrikeFace 10x12 '' fit perfectly and the weight is nicely distributed and thanks to the minimalist dimensions of the carrier it hardly restricts movement at all.
Quality product at a good price.
Review from customer from Czech republic
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Lehký nosič plátů , nejen na airsoft. Pláty od StrikeFace 10x12'' pasují perfektně a váha se pěkně rozloží a díky minimalistickým rozměrům nosiče skoro vůbec neomezuje v pohybu.
Warrior's Covert Carrier (CPC) is a low profile slick carrier designed to hold 10 x 12 s and US style SAPI s. The CPC is fully adjustable on the shoulders for…
The RPC is the latest evolution of plate carriers from Warrior Assault Systems. Designed to be a lightweight and versatile low profile armour carrier offering…