The RPC is the latest evolution of plate carriers from Warrior Assault Systems. Designed to be a lightweight and versatile low profile armour carrier offering enhanced mobility without compromising protection.
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Recon Plate Carrier by warrior
The RPC has been developed to hold medium and large SAPI and ESAPI stand alone plates and the most common 10" x 12" I.C.W. plates available.
Plate pockets have been backed with 3D mesh for added ballistic performance comfort and dispersal of body heat. The Recon Plate Carrier comes standard with ladder style cummerbunds that attach to the RPCs front via 2 removable ITW SR Clips.
This allows rapid access when getting in and out of the RPC (ITW SR Clips have a combined breaking strength of 600lbs per side). The RPCs shoulders can be worn in 3 different configurations as a slick low profile with the addition of Velcro padded shoulders and wrap around sleeve for hydration and comms channelling.
The RPC comes as standard with a removable MOLLE front flap held in place by 2 vertical SQM clips and strong velcro which allows the panel to be removed and replaced with a wide variety of preconfigured weapon-specific pouch panels and Warrior’s new Pathfinder Chest Rig. The RPC integrates with Warrior's new Back Panel.
Made from Genuine US Mil Spec Materials and Hardware.
Hard Armour
Stand alone plates, 250mm x 300mm (10" x 12")and SAPI 238mm x 314mm (9.5" x 12.5")
ICW plates 250mm x 300mm and SAPI 238mm x 314mm, with Nexus NIJ 3a soft armour.
All Warrior lightweight plate carriers are designed to work with Nexus style SAPI shaped 10" x 12" ( 250mm + x 300mm + ) ballistic plates including bevelled edge ceramic plates and smooth edge composite plates.
Steel plates with hard edges and corners should be wrapped to protect the internals of the carriers to avoid excessive wear.
Warrior Assault Systems will not be held responsible for any damage to a plate carrier from misuse as stated above.
Soft Armour
NIJ Level 3a soft armour
High Quality Threads
Thread quality is fundamental to the construction, durability and strength of tactical equipment.
Two factors have a negative impact on the life Span of threads
Mildew is one of the most common factors in the deterioration of military kit, causing it to rot and ultimately results in unacceptable failure.
Sunlight has a harmful effect on the performance of threads, and over time causes their deterioration.
Warrior only uses the highest quality US Mil Spec nylon threads imported from the USA which are threated against both UV and Mildew.
Fiber Resistance to Acid - Good
Fiber Resistance to Alkali - Good
Fiber Abrasion Resistance - Excellent
Fiber Resistance to Heat - 142 deg C (Highest continuous temperature before breakdown)
Fiber Melting Point - 265 deg C
500D Nylon fabric feature enhanced tear and abrasion resistance, and long lasting durability, 500D Nylon fabric made with solution dyed yarns are inherently stain resistant and easy to clean. MultiCam, Coyote Tan, Ranger Green, Black and A-TACS FG fabrics are all I.R Treated for the lowest signature.
MOLLE System
This product uses MOLLE to connect to other items creating a modular and adaptive system.
* Products may differ from the picture shown due to product improvements over time
MOLLE Webbing
This product contains MOLLE webbing that will allow you to attach other pouches using the MOLLE system.
A good plate carrier at an affordable price. I recommend the vest ... but it's not a carrier for everyone. So far, the manufacturer only produces in sizes M, L and does not always fit properly
Good color, quality material, properly sewn, does not last and does not steam.
Complicated adjustment on the back (but still effective), the buckles close a little harder
Review from customer from Czech republic
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Dobrý nosič plátů za přijatelnou cenu. Vestu doporučuji... ale není to nosič pro každého. Výrobce vyrábí zatím jenom ve vel.M,L a ne vždy správně fitne
Dobrá barva, kvalitní materiál, správně šitá, netrvá se a nepaře se.
Složité seřizování na zadní části (ale pořád účinné) , spony se trosku hůř zapínají
Rated option: Recon Plate Carrier, Warrior Assault Systems, Multicam, M, bez sumek
Jakub H.
I definitely recommend the vest to people who are looking for a light and low profile carrier. I've had enough of velcro vest fastening under the front pocket and the new quick-release buckles used by other manufacturers didn't suit me very well, but there the problem with placing the bags further away from the side of the body. Overall, I am very satisfied with the vest and we will see what it can stand.
Very high quality plate carrier, which is very light and at the same time robustly made. The mesh on the front and back is very comfortable to wear and helps to the overall comfort of this carrier and is also very functional in terms of sweat and heat dissipation. The shoulder straps are interestingly designed with the possibility of removing all the layers and leaving only the fabric itself, but again, for greater comfort, it is better to leave at least the reinforced mesh. The shoulder straps are a little further apart until they may seem to fall out of a person, but this solution does not interfere with me in any way and I still feel very comfortable and without problems. If I put a backpack on my back, it occurs to me that thanks to the spacing between the shoulder straps, it is even better worn than with other carriers. Adjusting the size of the vest is quick thanks to the velcro. The buckles are very sturdy and I wouldn't be afraid that they will last forever. As a bonus, the warrior also imitates plates so that the vest stays in shape. Really very great small, compact, light plate carrier.
Unfortunately, it does not have space for bonnet plates, which must be assumed with the purchase. I see the biggest disadvantage in the fact that the first bags that one can put on the side of the carrier can be tied behind the side clips, it's really far and you won't get to any bag you need to reach more often. The ideal choice is, for example, ifak, which is removable after grinding the clip on the catfish. There is a bit of a problem with the admin bag, as the first molle binding does not start right above but about one row below, so the admin bag is also lower, closer to the magazine bags, if you use Bren or AK magazines, you will have a bit of a problem, that you will mind the admin bag. The point is to get the appropriate dimensions of the admin bag for the designated trays.
Review from customer from Czech republic
Show original
Určitě vestu doporučuji lidem, co shání lehký a nízkoprofilový nosič. Už jsem měl dost zapínání vest na suchý zip pod přední kapsou a nové rychlopřesky co používají jiní výrobci mi moc nesedli, ale tam odpodá zase problém s umístěním sumek dále od boku těla. Celkově jsem s vestou velmi spokojen a uvídíme co vše snese.
Velmi kvalitní nosič plátů, který je velmi lehký a zároveň robustně udělaný. Síťovina na přední i zadní straně je velmi pohodlná na nošení a pomáha k celkovému komfortu tohoto nosiče a je i velmi funčkní co se týče odvodu potu a tepla. Ramenní popruhy jsou zajímavě řešeny možností sundat všechny vrstvy a nechat pouze samotnou látku, ale opět pro větši komfort je lepší nechat aspoň vystuženou sítťovinu. Ramenní popruhy jsou trochu dále od sebe, až můžou připadat že z člověka padají, ale toto řešení mi nijak nepřekáží a připadám si i tak velmi komfortně a bez problémů. Pokud na záda dám batoh, přijde mi, že se díky rozestupům mezi ramenními popruhy nosí i lépe, než u jiných nosičů. Nastavení velikosti vesty je rychlé díky suchémů zipu. Přesky jsou velmi bytelné a nebál bych se, že vydrží věčnost. Jako bonus warrior dává i imitaci plátů, aby vesta držela tvar. Opravdu velmi skvělý malý, skladný, lehký nosič plátů.
Bohužel nemá prostor na bončí pláty, což se ale už s koupí musí předpokládat. Jako největší nevýhodu vidím v tom, že první sumky, které si člověk může dát na bok nosiče, můžou být navázány až za boční přesky, je to opravdu daleko a na nějakou sumku, na kterou byste potřebovali sahat častěji se jen tak nedostanete. Ideální volba je např. ifak, který je po rozemnutí přesky na sumce odnímatelný. Trochu je ještě problém s admin sumkou, jelikož první molle vazba nezačíná hned nahoře ale cca o jednu řadu níže, tak admin sumka je také níž, blíže k sumkám na zásobníky, pokud budete používat zásobníky typu Bren nebo AK, tak budete mít trochu problém, že vám bude ta admin sumka vadit. Jde o to, sehnat si odpovídající rozměry admin sumky k určeným zásobníkům.
Rated option: Recon Plate Carrier, Warrior Assault Systems, Multicam, M, bez sumek
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Item Recon Plate Carrier, Warrior Assault Systems, Multicam, M, bez sumek is in stock and we can ship it 16.12.. You can get it for 199,60 € incl. VAT.
The RPC is the latest evolution of plate carriers from Warrior Assault Systems. Designed to be a lightweight and versatile low profile armour carrier offering…
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