The Predator Pack is designed to be a Medium to Large size pack featuring a “Clamshell” fully extended opening of the main compartment. Comes with a padded lumbar support featuring 3D Mesh with a padded MOLLE belt for extra support and stability this can be removed if not required.
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The inside compartment features 3 zipped mesh pockets on the inside of the lid for storage while the outside has small and large cargo pouch pockets to facilitate quick access to smaller mission critical items.
Internally there is a hydration sleeve which has webbing sewn on in order to allow the attachment of various pouches when required. The top of the pack features Antenna and Hydration tube ports either side of the heavy duty carry handle.
The Predator Pack can accommodate Warrior’s MOLLE mission insert. This insert is covered on both sides with 9 rows of MOLLE and can be pre configured with your own choice of pouches for specific Ops the MOLLE Insert simply clips inside the Predator via 2 x ITW quick release clips and can be released in seconds making it mobile.
Uses can include pre configured Medical Insert for Medics Flash Bang and breaching Kit General Utility and Ammo set up with Smoke Frag and additional mags (ideal for use in vehicles).
The Warrior stiffener panel is available as an optional extra for use with heavier loads such as radio packs.
Stiffener and MOLLE mission insert sold separately.
21.5″ x 13″ x 7″ (550mm x 330mm x 190mm)
11.5″ x 9″ x 2″ (300mm x 230mm x 60mm)
7″ x 9.5″ x 3″ (180mm x 250mm x 80mm)
42 Litres (approximately)
High Quality Threads
Thread quality is fundamental to the construction, durability and strength of tactical equipment.
Two factors have a negative impact on the life Span of threads
Mildew is one of the most common factors in the deterioration of military kit, causing it to rot and ultimately results in unacceptable failure.
Sunlight has a harmful effect on the performance of threads, and over time causes their deterioration.
Warrior only uses the highest quality US Mil Spec nylon threads imported from the USA which are threated against both UV and Mildew.
Fiber Resistance to Acid - Good
Fiber Resistance to Alkali - Good
Fiber Abrasion Resistance - Excellent
Fiber Resistance to Heat - 142 deg C (Highest continuous temperature before breakdown)
Fiber Melting Point - 265 deg C
500D Nylon fabric feature enhanced tear and abrasion resistance, and long lasting durability, 500D Nylon fabric made with solution dyed yarns are inherently stain resistant and easy to clean. MultiCam, Coyote Tan, Ranger Green, Black and A-TACS FG fabrics are all I.R Treated for the lowest signature.
Plastic Hardware
Warrior only uses the highest quality Military rated Clips and accessories.
MOLLE System
This product uses MOLLE to connect to other items creating a modular and adaptive system.
* Products may differ from the picture shown due to product improvements over time
MOLLE Webbing
This product contains MOLLE webbing that will allow you to attach other pouches using the MOLLE system.
A robust backpack that I took to combine with a plate carrier. It certainly fulfills its purpose, a few things could definitely be improved. In my opinion, the chest strap MUST always be removable, especially on tactical backpacks. On the one hand, it interferes with the equipment on the chest, and on the other hand, it complicates the throw if used. If you don't use it, it messes up unnecessarily. I don't like it, but I'll have to cut it. In addition, all the straps could be quite a bit shorter. I would also like a little more velcro for marking, at least one more on the other outer pocket.
Quality workmanship Robust PALS binding basically everywhere Good zippers Three camelbak hose outlets for an ideal position Comfortable shoulders and back Ranger green Removable waist strap Functional throws
Non-removable chest strap Excruciatingly long straps that are difficult to tame (especially on the shoulders) Not enough Velcro for marking pockets Too wide camelbak fixation
Review from customer from Czech republic
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Robustní batoh, který jsem bral pro kombinaci s nosičem plátů. Svůj účel určitě plní, pár věcí by se dalo určitě vylepšit.
Hrudní popruh podle mě MUSÍ být vždy odnímatelný, zejména u taktických batohů. Jednak překáží vybavení na hrudníku a jednak komplikuje odhoz pokud použitý. Pokud nepoužijete, zbytečně se plete. Nerad, ale budu muset odřezat. Všechny popruhy by navíc mohly být o dost kratší. Uvítal bych taky trochu víc suchých zipů pro značení, aspoň ještě jeden na druhou vnější kapsu.
Kvalitní zpracování
Robustní PALS vazba v podstatě všude
Dobré zipy
Hned tři výstupy hadice camelbaku pro ideální pozici
Pohodlná ramena i záda
Ranger green
Odnímatelný bederní popruh
Funkční odhozy
Neodnímatelný hrudní popruh
Ukrutně dlouhé popruhy, které se špatně krotí (hlavně na ramenou)
Málo Velcra pro značení kapes
Příliš široké fixování camelbaku
Rated option: Predator Pack, Warrior Elite Ops, Ranger Green
After many years of wear, definitely.
It's a lot, the backpack has taken quite a beating over the years and has survived drops, dragging on the ground, humidity, direct sunlight and even playing with a Belgian Shepherd. There can be no doubting the durability, as apart from the occasional loose thread and dirt, it is as good as new. The organization is well thought out, the MOLLE binding is not sloppy like cheaper brands and it really fits. The waist pack provides great relief from the shoulders when carrying a larger load, and overall the backpack is really quality, which may not be the cheapest, but in the long run it pays off much more than buying a new backpack every year.
The backpack actually has only one problem and that is the shoulder straps. They ventilate nicely, but the "padding" is too hard and quite sharply cut. Nothing you will notice on a one-day trip, but during several day hikes with a 12 kg backpack, the straps cut quite painfully into the trapezius muscles. It can be solved relatively easily with added padding, or operatively, for example, a folded palestinian thrown under the bagels over the shoulders... but it is probably the only complaint I would make about the backpack... and the only reason why I give 4.5 instead of 5. Anyway, the model I have is the first generation, maybe Warrior has already caught these problems today.
Review from customer from Czech republic
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Po dlouholetém nošení úplně určitě.
Je toho hodně, batoh dostal za ty roky pořádně zabrat a přežil pády, tahání po zemi, vlhkost, přímé sluníčko a dokonce i hraní s belgickým ovčákem. O odolnosti nemůže být pochyb, protože až na občasnou uvolněnou niť a špínu je jako nový. Organizace je vymyšlená skvěle, MOLLE vazba není odfláknutá jako u levnějších značek a opravdu sedí. Bederák skvěle ulevuje ramenům při větším nákladu a celkově je batoh opravdu kvalita, která možná není úplně nejlevnější ale z dlouhodobého hlediska se vyplatí daleko víc, než kupovat každý rok nový batoh.
Batoh má vlastně jediný problém a to jsou ramenní popruhy. Ty sice hezky odvětrávají, ale "polstrování" je příliš tvrdé a dost ostře seříznuté. Nic čeho si všimnete na jednodenním výletě, ale při několika denní túře s 12kg batohem se už popruhy dost bolestivě zařezávají do trapézových svalů.Jde to poměrně lehce vyřešit přidaným polstrováním, nebo operativně třeba přeloženou palestinou hozenou pod bágle přes ramena... ale je to asi jediná výtka co bych k batohu vyšťoural... a jediný důvod proč dávám 4,5 místo 5. Každopádně model který mám já je první generace, možná už dneska tyhle problémy Warrior vychytal.
Rated option: not selected
Igor R.
Very good pack compared to other brands like MR, TT, Arc. Worth its price
Lightweight, packable, lot of inside pockets, adjustable
Straps are too short on back, backpack leaning backwards when half packed
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