The UTL® belt is a simple and durable trouser belt. Lack of metal parts makes it ideally suitable for all uniformed services, allowing to pass metal detecting gates without ignominy of holding pants in one’s hand. The design and utilized raw materials allow the belt to serve other purposes as well – e.g. as constricting belt for external loads. Urban Tactical Belt® sports an easily adjustable buckle.
If a green circle is displayed on a variant, it means that in some combination of other variants, the selected variant is in stock. For example, a green circle on the "Color: black" variant means that a product in black is in stock at a size. Gradual selection of variants clarifies information on stock availability. You can start by selecting any variant.
I recommend the belt, it is a strong quality belt that is comfortable to wear and at a very good price
The belt is strong, the buckle is absolutely impossible for the belt to slip, it pulls it down firmly and surely, and it definitely loosens itself, quality workmanship, the light buckle does not press when sitting
due to the strength of the strap and the fact that the buckle does not slip, the strap is a little more difficult to fine-tune, but definitely nothing dramatic
Review from customer from Czech republic
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pásek doporučuji, jedná se o pevný kvalitní pásek který se pohodlně nosí a za velmi dobrou cenu
Pásek je pevný
spona rozhodně neumožné proklouznutí pásku stáhne ho pevně a jistě a rozhodně se sama napovoluje
kvalitní zpracování
spona netlačí při sezení
vzhledem k pevnosti pásku a neprokluzování spony se pásek trošičku hůř jemně nastavavuje, ale rozhodně nic dramatického
Overall, it is a very strong and good belt with easy fastening. It's a pity that after switching on it is no longer flat in the area of the buckle.
Quality One way to turn on and off
The text is that we should order the belt according to the size of the trousers, but the belt seems really big to me, so I shortened it. An L belt would be enough for XL pants. After switching on, the buckle is not flat but "sticks" into the space a bit (about 2-3cm)
Review from customer from Czech republic
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Celkově je to velmi pevný a dobrý opasek s jednoduchým zapínáním. Škoda jen, že po zapnutí není více plochý v oblasti spony.
Zapnout a odepnout jde jednou rukou
V textu je, že opasek si máme objednat podle velikosti kalhot, ale opasek mi přijde opravdu velký tak jsem ho zkracoval. K XL kalhotám by mi úplně stačil L opasek.
Po zapnutí není spona plochá ale trochu "trčí" do prostoru (asi 2-3cm)
Very reliable leather belt from the American company Kore Essentials. Its advantage is the possibility of infinitely adjustable circumference. Buckle is not…
A quick and convenient tactical or patrol belt that excels in a wide range of environments, our 1.5” TDU® Belt can be quickly converted into a secure tie down…