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Recommend to friend
Pocket car bon heater, Mil-Tec
The heater inside is lined with fire-resistant mineral wool where is placed a incandescingstick (before inserting it inside you should wait until its tip will be completely incandesced). An ignited stick should be closed in a box, then you should wait about 10 minutes and then you can enjoy the pleasant warmth. After burning and spilling of ash we can use the heater again. To obtain the double effect, you can ignite sticks on both sides.
Set is placed in a small box measuring 12 x 7 x 2cm. There's also a small pouch.
Great stuff for hunters, fishermen, municipal services. Perfect during winter when thecold especially troubles.
properities of Pocket carbon heater
Dimensions: 12 x 7 x 2,5 cm
Burning time: 4 hours (2 hours after both ends are lit)
Review from customer from Czech republic
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Doporučuji všem
Even if you try your best, the sticks will still burn up, warm the case a little and go out. Hold for a few hours managed 1 out of 10. we have the original Jack Pyke and it's a completely different league. When it goes out, it has to be ... I ordered a petrol one and it has no faults, it always heats up for sure. This is a waste of money from miltec
It's such a nice retro
Processing really lousy Nothing much calorific value The bars can not burn, after a while they go out
Review from customer from Czech republic
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I když se budete snažit sebevíc, tak ty tyčky se stejně
Rozhoří, trochu ohřejí pouzdro a zhasnou. Udržet na několik hodin se povedla 1 z 10.. máme ioriginál Jack Pyke a to je naprosto jiná liga. Když zhasne, tak to už musí být.. objednal jsem benzínový a ten nemá chybu, vždy na jistotu zahřeje. Tohle od miltecu jsou vyhozené peníze
Je to takové hezké retro
Zpracování opravdu mizerné
Nic moc výhřevnost
Tyčky nevydrží hořet, po chvilce zhasnou
I recommend it, but it took me a while to get to the bottom so that the carbon wouldn't go out. It is necessary to let the piece burn, as described in the description. Then put the carbon in the heater, but do not click and leave it slightly ajar to preheat. Then you can click and enjoy
It warms for a long time, it warms a lot
Nothing fundamental, see. text below
Review from customer from Czech republic
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Doporučuji, ale chvilku mi trvalo než jsem přišel na kloub tomu, aby mi uhlík nezhasínal. Je potřeba nechat kus rozhořet, jak je uvedeno v popisu. Potom vložit uhlík do ohřívače, ale nezaklapnout a nechat malinko pootevřený, aby se předehřál. Pak už můžete zaklapnout a užívat
Hřeje dlouho, hřeje vydatně
Nic zásadního, viz. text níže
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