Opaskové pouzdro na zbraň, otočný závěs, Dasta 750
The Dasta Kydex gun holster has two belt loops and a swivel hinge. A special DastaLock secures the pistol in the holster, so it cant fall out.
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The modern Dasta belt holster for concealed carry is made of lightweight and durable Kydex material.
The lowered design allows the weapon to be quickly drawn from the holster in the shortest possible distance, similar to the special IPSC holster.
The Dasta 750 PHDLB holster is placed on the belt in a vertical position.
TABLE OF holster compatibility
10 mm
CZ 75/85, CZ 75 SP 01, Browning HP
10 mm Compact
CZ 75 D Compact
12 mm
Beretta 92
14 mm
SIG P-226/P-228
14 mm Compact
SIG PRO (P-2022), HK USP
16 mm
Glock 17
16 mm Compact
Glock 19, Walther P-99, CZ-P10
Všeobecně se pouzdra Dasta 750 PHDLB vyznačují
Original construction with modern features
uniform profile of the holster cover - universal for different supporting element of the sleeve - DASTA-LOCK lock with automatic safety and spacer, allowing easy holster adjustment for each weapon
width of the lock set according to the width of the trigger guard of each type of weapon
holster capabilities - service or concealed carry
possibility of blocking the automatic safety lock
Get yourself a quality belt holster for concealed carry Dasta 750 and you will become the owner of a purely Czech holster with a unique and patented automatic safety against unwanted gun draw.
My 5 stars belong to this seller - I ordered on Monday and the courier handed me the goods for lunch on Wednesday. I won't provide a review yet, as I need some time to use it. But for now, it looks like I'll be 100% satisfied. Thank you.
Review from customer from Czech republic
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Mojich 5 hviezdičiek patrí tomuto predajcovi - v pondelok som objednal a v stredu na obed mi kurier tovar odovzdal.. SK eshopy mi povedali ze nevedia kedy puzdro naskladnia resp ze ho nemaju, vrátane dovozcu Dasta do SR.. čistá katastrofa.. Na produkt samotný zatiaľ recenziu neposkytnem, kedze na to potrebujem nejaky cas používania. Ale zatiaľ to vyzerá ze budem na 100 % spokojný. Dakujem.
Kydex belt holster from Fobus for your Walther P22 pistol. Lightweight, durable and most importantly - you will always have a weapon at your fingertips.