Creatively styled yet functional for everyday use, this keychain compatible tool is perfectly sized to be ready when you need it. Surprisingly strong and secure, the tool's components lock while in use to ensure safety.
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Multitool Curve by Gerber
Our pocket tools are about function, but they look pretty stylish too. The function comes from locking implements including screw drivers, a blade and file.
Did we mention it can open beers too and be clipped to just about anything with the built in carabiner clip? And the style? That comes from our more creative side.
If I didn't get it for 1 CZK to buy pants, I would return it.
anti-tilt lock, the idea is a good idea, the overall workmanship (that is, everything except the caps) is actually quite good
the material and processing of all the blades is absolutely tragic, the blade on the knife was flipped to one side so that I have never experienced that on any "knife" even on the Chinese jokes for a few crowns - of course it could be resharpened ... a "cross" screwdriver is just to laugh or rather cry, absolutely useless on a flat piece of iron, there are moldings to make it look like a Phillips screwdriver, but it's just for looks - and files? They are also absolutely useless, you can't even file your nails with it, let alone anything else. The small flat screwdriver is also funny, it's rounded so it can't be used for screwing, but it's good for removing switches from under the nails. The carabiner at the end has an extremely small passage, I had a problem with the larger key ring. The knife can be used after it has been drilled - of course you need to take into account the length of the blade approx. 3 cm.
Review from customer from Czech republic
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Kdybych ho nedostal za 1kč k nákupu kalhot šel bych ho vrátit.
pojistka proti sklopení, myšlenkou je to dobrý nápad, celkové zpracování (tedy vše kromě čepek) je vlastně docela dobré
materiál a zpracování vše čepelek je naprosto tragické, na noži bylo překlopené ostří na jednu stranu tak že jsem ti na žádném "noži" ještě nezažil ani na čínských srandách za pár korun - samozřejmě se dalo přebrousit ... "křížový" šroubovák je prostě k smíchu nebo spíš k pláči absolutně nepoužitelné na plochém kousku železa jsou prolisy aby to vypadalo jako křížový šroubovák, ale je to jen na vzhled - a pilníčky ? Ty jsou taky absolutně k ničemu nejdou s tím ani opilovat nehty natož cokoliv jiného. Malý plochý šroubovák je taky k smíchu je zaoblený takže na šroubování se použít nedá ale dobře se s ním vyndává spína pod nehty. Karabinka na konci má extrémě malý průchod měl jsem tam problém protáhnou větší kroužek na klíče. Nožík se po přeborušení použít dá - samozřejmě potřeba počítat s délkou čepelky cca 3 cm.
Jaroslav J.
Review from customer from Czech republic
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