
Fairtrade coffee, The Brew Company

Discover the exceptional taste of Brew Company's high-quality fairtrade coffee. Each sip transports you to a world of rich flavors and ethically sourced beans. With a commitment to supporting fair wages and sustainable farming, Brew Company offers a coffee experience that not only satisfies your palate but also contributes to a more equitable and environmentally conscious coffee industry. Description
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Fairtrade coffee from the brew company

The Brew Company is a renowned coffee roaster dedicated to providing exceptional quality and unforgettable taste. Through its passion for ethically sourced beans and sustainable practices, it has built a reputation for providing coffee lovers with a remarkable and conscientious coffee experience.

The Brew Company offers a diverse range of premium coffees to satisfy all taste preferences. Its coffees are carefully prepared to provide a truly exceptional and enjoyable coffee experience - from bold and robust blends to subtle and delicate single varieties.

These pockets from The Brew Company are a new venture that seeks to bring the experience of good coffee to places that often don't have room for it. On hikes, surviving in the great outdoors or at the shooting range. Just fill the pocket with 300ml and you can enjoy high quality single origin coffee wherever you are.

Coffee varieties available:
  1.     Honduras - COCAFCAL is located in western Honduras, a peripheral zone of Celaque National Park. The cooperative operates in 12 municipalities in the San Pedro, Copan and Corquin areas. Each individual coffee is roasted in a micro-roaster according to the principles of slow roasting.  COCAFCAL was founded in 1999 with 55 members. Currently, the cooperative's projects employ approximately 2,500 people. All active members are dedicated to growing conventionally sustainable, organic and fairtrade coffee. The coffee has light, lively and fruity nuances with undertones of melon, almond and cherry plum. 100% arabica from Honduras.
  2.     Colombia - Tolima is a region in the southwestern part of Colombia known for the Surcafe family farm association, which was founded in 2016 by 56 families. Their common goal is to create better living conditions for all coffee farmers and their families. The coffee has a very pleasant taste of roasted almond, pomelo and chocolate. 100% Arabica from Tolima, Colombia.
  3.     Ethiopia - Sidamo 2 is a small association from Ethiope, which is known for its exceptionally high quality coffee. It is one of the oldest countries of origin and birthplace of coffee. This coffee is a classic Ethiopian variant with a very rich and pleasant taste with undertones of bergamot, blood orange and strong black tea. 100% Arabica from Sidama 2, Ethiopia.
  4.     Guatemala - Fedecocagua is a small association at the foot of the El Fugo volcano at an altitude of 1,000 - 1,400 m above sea level. The coffee has a very rich and pleasant taste with undertones of chocolate, walnuts and pink grapes. 100% arabica from Fedecocagua, Guatemala.
  5.     Brazil - Very popular coffee cooperatives include Ascarive, from Minas Gerais, Brazil. Their coffee is strong and blends the acidity and complexity of a perfect coffee in one cup. You'll find undertones of dark chocolate, rich hazelnut and mulberry. 100% Arabica from Minas Gerais, a micro-region of Mantiqueira, Brazil.
Preparation Instructions:
  • Open the bag and pour 300 ml of hot water.
  • Does not want to leach 4- 8min (depending on the type)
  • Pour into a cup and enjoy!


Brand The Brew Company

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